27 June 2013

Door Tags

Just a quick post to show some door tags that I made from my scrap pile.  These were inspired by Jaime's door tags at That's My Letter.  I decided to spray them with the little bit of chalkboard paint I had leftover from my kitchen door.  I have to say that I really like them...and I will be able to (hopefully) part with some of my many holiday wreaths that The Chief is not too fond of...

In other news, my parents were super amazing in helping me with my D-I-Y projects while they visited.  I hope to have some updates soon!

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15 May 2013

Prepping for D-A-D and D-I-Y

The truth is that at this time I believe my only faithful reader of this blog is my Mom.  So, nothing that I'm about to write will surprise her.  You see, my family is rad.  My parents are both self-sufficient and avid crafty, DIY-type peeps.  My mother is a crocheting machine.  Seriously, if you love doilies and you are the first person to comment on the blog (except you, Mom) I will send you a beautifully hand-crafted doily.  She also sews, quilts and paints on barstools.  My dad built two homes, restores cars, welds, builds stuff out of any/everything and is all-around awesome at DIY stuff.  What does this matter, you say?

My parents are coming to visit in three and a half weeks.  I've got to get ready for DIY beast mode.  I have big plans for getting some major projects underway: kitchen update, bathroom update(s), fence installation (hopefully), etc.  Here is a picture of my current stash awaiting their arrival.

And, today I cleaned out the garage so that we'll have room to make this stuff a reality!  Don't mind that huge pink beer bottle.  The Chief and I collect the "artsy" ones and that's leftover from my big 4-0 birthday.  You could not even see the counter this morning.  I see a yard sale in my future!

I know, I know...the faux butcher block laminate work surface and awesome circa Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit cabinets are envy inducing, 'eh?  I make the Burt Reynolds reference to keep my current readership (my Mom) interested.  I can't wait for y'all to get here!

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19 April 2013

Super cheap rip-off

This has taken me way too long to post.  I was at Target about six weeks ago and spotted a cute shadowbox frame for twenty bucks.  I immediately remembered some wrapping paper that I picked up from Target's Dollar Spot and an empty frame I had at home from the thrift store that I'd invested a buck on.  I give you my Two Buck Chuck version of the $19.99 beetle pic from Tarjay.  I think my version has a little more class and depth, but I would of course say that...  Let me know what you think!

I apologize for the continual IG images.  I promise that I have a real camera.  I just haven't dusted it off yet.
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